Showing 1–30 of 528 results
Great Britain used in India – 1898 (Feb 18) cover from Simla to Calcutta f.w. GB 1d tied by SIMLA grilled cds and Wellesley St delivery cds on reverse. British stamps were not valid for postage in India but somehow this passed through the mail without being detected. Provenance: Glenn Reed, Chairman, ISC
$625.00 -
China 1901 “Deutsche Reichpost/Feld-Postkarte” handstamped “S.B.Armee-Oberkommando in Ostasien/Armee Intenut”, addressed to Tientsin, bearing 1898 German PO’s in China 10pf carmine and 1901-04 20pf ultramarine (SG9,25), each cancelled Peking 16.7.01, with Japan Koban 1sen, French PO’s 5c Peace & Commerce, Chinese Imperial Post ½c brown, India C.E.F. 1a, USA Franklin 1c, cancelled Peking IJPO 21.2, Pekin/Chine 22.2, Peking 22.2, FPO No.1 “4 MA” and US Mail Peking “APR/11/1901” respectively, with Tientsin 17.7.01 “arrival” cds at foot. Postally travelled multi-country cards are scarce – BPA certificate
$850.00 -
1827 entire letter from Norwood, Great Britain to Calcutta, India, per forwarding agent Horatio Hardy, signed by him on reverse and dated “21 Nov 1827”, handstamped framed “Inld. Ptg.-5/Ship Do-2/(1) As.7” with red “CALCUTTA/G.P.O./27 MY 27/1858” arrival datestamp alongside. Horatio Hardy was the proprietor of Jerusalem and East India Coffee House and acted as a forwarding agent for transmitting mail to India. An important and rare piece of postal history.
$12,500.00 -
185? Ladies cover f.w. ½a pale blue imperf die I, tied by “1” type 4 from Bombay to Broach with faint trisected BOMBAY Paid and trisected BROACH Paid on reverse
$475.00 -
1854 (Oct 8) folded letter f.w. ½a deep blue imperf die I (SG 4), tied by diamond of dots from Poona to Bombay, with trisected POONAH Paid and Bombay G.P.O. on reverse. Used during the first week of issue of stamps
$850.00 -
1897, Indian Frontier Campaign, Malakand Expedition. Scarce FIELD.P.O.No.10 postmark on cover to USA paying 1 anna postage. The Malakand Field Force was sanctioned by Government of India to put down the rebillion started by one Buner Mullah (Mad Fakir) in the lower Swat Valley. In July 1897 the Postmaster-General of the Punjab and N.W.F . was requested to make special arrangements for the transport of mail in the Malakand and field post offices were set up.
$1,595.00 -
Burma Postal History – 1843 “MOULMEIN/…MAY…/PAID-1-” in red on folded letter from Moulmein to Mauritius via Calcutta, “CALCUTTA/SHIPLETTER/1843 MAY 31/Inland 1/Ship Do.2/Total 3 + 1=4” Giles SR49, alongwith “CALCUTTA/G.P.O./SHIPLETTER/2 JU 2/1843” dispatch in red HG SD11 and “MAURITIUS/POST OFFICE/..A..27/1843” dc arrival. 2 other original letters enclosed. Scarce destination
$1,500.00 -
China India QV 3p ovpt CEF with “F.P.O. No 4” on picture postcard to Tientsin
$275.00 -
Early India Cancellations – Various types of Bombay circle cancels on 7 covers written up on pages Provenance: Glenn Reed, Chairman, ISC
$135.00 -
Early India Cancellations -1864 folded letter f.w. QV 2a tied by COCHIN/130 duplex Cooper type 9, to Bombay wiith BANGALORE (Oct 10) hexagonal transit in red and Bombay delivery cds on reverse. Provenance: Glenn Reed, Chairman, ISC
$125.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 32a Bengal circle BARRACKPORE 2/C-1 duplex on 1877 (Mar 2) cover to London via Brindisi
$350.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 1 colored diamond of 8×8 dots in blue tying ½a indigo (scarce shade), die I, imperf (SG 5) on 1855 (Nov 3) folded letter from Cuddapah, with CUDDAPAH Paid, Madras G.P.O and boxed AM.
$495.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 1 colored diamond of 9×9 dots in blue tying ½a pale blue, die I, imperf (SG 3) on 1855 (Dec 1) folded letter from Bellary to Madras, with BELLARY Paid, Rg. House No.1 in blue, Madras G.P.O and boxed AM.
$450.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 1 colored diamond of 9×9 dots in blue tying EI ½a pale blue (SG 38), on 1870 (Jan 28) cover (late usage) from Calcutta to Agra with dispatch and delivery cds on reverse
$125.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 1 colored diamond of 9×9 dots in red tying ½a deep blue, die I, imperf (SG 4) on 1854 (Oct 16) folded letter to Bombay. Used during the first month of issue of stamps. A great rarity!
$1,250.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 1c diamond of fine dots, where the dots are parallel to the diamond, extremely rare cancel (late usage), tying EI ½a pale blue on native cover
$495.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 4 “54” of Kirkee in blue tying EI 2a dull pink (SG 41), on 1861 (May 19) cover to Ahmednuggur
$195.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 4a “POONA/52” duplex tying EI ½a pairs x 2 + 1a, on 1868 (Nov 10) cover to Bombay with “G.P.O. No.2 BOMBAY/15 NOV 68/DY.1” delivery cds
$65.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 4k var hollow “1” within diamond of bars of “BOMBAY/1” duplex, tying EI 4a x 3, on 1866 (Mar 14) cover to USA via Marseilles with London PAID “N. YORK Br. PKT”
$295.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 4n “B.P.O. BOMBAY/3” duplex, tying EI ½a on 1867 (Jul 14) cover to Umritsur, with unfamed TOO-LATE, octagonal AGRA, boxed TRAVELLING POST OFFICE in blue, and UMRITSUR delivery cds
$125.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 8b, Cooper type 8f “U/9” of Hooshyarpore tying EI ½a on 1872 (Aug 27) cover to Koochwar, with P.T.O. Renouf type 129b Railway cds, AGRA and JEYPORE transits and KUCHHAWUR delivery cds (date inverted). Extremely scarce cancel
$495.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Renouf type 9 variety hollow box without numeral, of Bombay duplex tying EI ½a pair on cover to Khandala. Extremely rare cancel.
$625.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Colored cancels on 1854 ½a die I imperfs – 12 stamps with wide margins and various colored cancels, including red, red-brown, brown, dark brown, green, etc. – a scarce assembly.
$995.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 1 colored diamond of dots in blue on 1855 (Oct 19) folded letter from Cudappah f.w. 1854 ½a imperf
$695.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 1 diamond of 8×9 dots in green on 1870 cover from Wellesley street, Calcutta to Scotland via Southampton, with CALCUTTA INDIA PAID, EX. G.P.O. CALCUTTA, S.C. 1st Delivery CALCUTTA and Edinburgh delivery cds on reverse. Very late usage of this type.
$195.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 29b on East India ½a. Cooper states “examples are scarce“
$250.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 4 cancels on covers – 7 covers
$295.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 4b “43” of Mhow in clumsy figure on 1857 (Nov 16) cover to Jubbulpore with MHOW Paid Giles 5 (late usage), addressed to Capt. Ludlow. A nice Mutiny cover though, ufortunately without contents. Cooper states: examples are fairly scarce
$495.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 4k “33” with lines ascending from left to right on native cover. Cooper states: examples are scarce
$195.00 -
Early India Cancellations: Cooper type 7 on 1869 (Sep 24) 8a8p rated cover tied by “B/158” Bugwah (now Bangladesh) to UK via Rungpore, Calcutta, Bombay and Marseilles