Pre Stamp Covers
Showing all 9 results
1827 entire letter from Norwood, Great Britain to Calcutta, India, per forwarding agent Horatio Hardy, signed by him on reverse and dated “21 Nov 1827”, handstamped framed “Inld. Ptg.-5/Ship Do-2/(1) As.7” with red “CALCUTTA/G.P.O./27 MY 27/1858” arrival datestamp alongside. Horatio Hardy was the proprietor of Jerusalem and East India Coffee House and acted as a forwarding agent for transmitting mail to India. An important and rare piece of postal history.
$12,500.00 -
Burma Postal History – 1843 “MOULMEIN/…MAY…/PAID-1-” in red on folded letter from Moulmein to Mauritius via Calcutta, “CALCUTTA/SHIPLETTER/1843 MAY 31/Inland 1/Ship Do.2/Total 3 + 1=4” Giles SR49, alongwith “CALCUTTA/G.P.O./SHIPLETTER/2 JU 2/1843” dispatch in red HG SD11 and “MAURITIUS/POST OFFICE/..A..27/1843” dc arrival. 2 other original letters enclosed. Scarce destination
$1,500.00 -
India 1826 entire from Chandernagore to Indigo factory, Addah Khoohallpo…
$2,400.00 -
India 1830 pre-stamp cover from UK to Calcutta UNRECORDED Type “CALCUTTA G.P.O.” large circular in red
$485.00 -
India 1838 Calcutta “Ship Postage 3/ Inland do. 6 /An.9/2 Tolas” HG SR43 scarce double weight FL from London
$450.00 -
India 1854 “ALLAHABAD RECEIVING HOUSE / Paid” Giles 11, Earlier than recorded.
$250.00 -
India 1855 entire from Bombay to Van Diemans Land, Tasmania with two rare “BOMBAY/SHIP LETTER/PAID” strikes of ship mail via Suez in red (Giles SD11 – only 2 recorded), “BOMBAY/Bearing” in black (Giles 21) alongside and on top of one of the “PAID” strikes, part strike of Bombay GPO on reverse – rare destination and route
$5,500.00 -
India Campaign Mail: 1825-26 Siege of Bharatpur – 1825 (Dec 23) stampl...
$985.00 -
Straits Settlements 1846 (Sep 15) entire letter ex the Huth correspond...